

Autonomous algorithmic trading system without the need for user intervention.

8 + 8 Parallel trends indicator

MT4 account license


Type: Expert Advisor
Combined Shape
Platform: Meta Trader 4
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Strategy: Recovery System
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Minimun capital: 10.000$
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Leverage: 1:500
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Account type: Low spread


The system supports 16 indicators, 8 of which 8 have been designed by us while the remaining ones are predefined. These indicators combine to interpret the state of the market and its possible trends. They are combined into 3 independent blocks, each of which is analyzed by 4 indicators that search for and detect parallel trends, while the remaining 2 indicators are used as triggers to execute trades in each block.

Each block trades independently with its own short or long trades and closes independently of the others. When a trade is opened and its status is not in favor of the market, Hunter executes the recovery system, recovering possible losses from the previous trade. The system ensures absolute control over operations, which allows to extract profits from the market on an almost constant basis.








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Los indicadores de trading son cĂĄlculos matemĂĄticos que se representan como lĂ­neas en un grĂĄfico de precios y pueden ayudar a los inversores a identificar ciertas seĂąales y tendencias dentro del mercado.

Combined Shape

MetaTrader 4 (MT4) es una plataforma comercial gratuita destinada al comercio en el mercado FĂłrex y CFD que permite implementar estrategias de cualquier complejidad

Expert Advisor

Son algoritmos capaces de gestionar determinadas posiciones de forma autĂłnoma en base a los indicadores establecidos.

Combined Shape
Servidor Virtual Privado

Es lo altamente recomendable. Un VPS permite que tu Bot estĂŠ en funcionamiento las 24 horas del dĂ­a sin necesidad de tener tu equipo conectado.

Combined Shape
Capital / Balance

El capital se refiere al balance inicial con el que se comienza a operar. Debido a la naturaleza del sistema y su estrategia de trading, no es recomendable la utilizaciĂłn de balances menores a 10.000 USD.

Combined Shape


Combined Shape

Es la diferencia entre el precio de venta y de compra de un par de divisas. Es la cotizaciĂłn resultante entre un monto y otro.

Combined Shape

El apalancamiento es una herramienta que permite aumentar el rendimiento potencial de una inversiĂłn asumiendo una deuda. Es el adelanto de capital para invertir en una operaciĂłn, contra el depĂłsito de una garantĂ­a, que se denomina margen.


Trading indicators are mathematical calculations that are represented as lines on a price chart and can help investors identify certain signals and trends within the market.

Combined Shape

MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a free trading platform for Forex and CFD trading that allows you to implement strategies of any complexity.

Expert Advisor

They are algorithms capable of managing certain positions autonomously based on established indicators.

Combined Shape
Virtual Private Server

This is highly recommended. A VPS allows your Bot to be up and running 24 hours a day without the need to have your computer connected.

Combined Shape
Virtual Private Server

This is highly recommended. A VPS allows your Bot to be up and running 24 hours a day without the need to have your computer connected.

Combined Shape
Capital / Balance sheet

Capital refers to the initial balance at the beginning of the operation. Due to the nature of the system and its trading strategy, it is not recommended to use balances of less than 10,000 USD.

Combined Shape


Combined Shape

It is the difference between the bid and ask price of a currency pair. It is the resulting quotation between one amount and another.

Combined Shape

Leverage is a tool for increasing the potential return on an investment by assuming debt. It is the advance of capital to invest in a transaction, against the deposit of collateral, which is called margin.

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