Legal Notice

Legal Notice


The access or use of the information, applications, tools and, in general, contents included in the website attributes to the user the condition of user. The user accepts these Terms of Use by the mere access to the website.


The contents made available to users through this website are protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights. In this sense, any use other than that expressly stated in this authorization is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the Author.


Some images, illustrations, photographs, videos, and, in general, content used to illustrate the articles, have been obtained through various media, such as Google or YouTube. Its use is merely illustrative, as an accompaniment to the text. These contents, unless otherwise indicated, belong to their respective authors, and this blog has no rights over them. If you are the author or the owner of the rights to any of these contents and wish to notify the administrator to highlight your authorship, or to remove such content, please contact us and we will respond to your request as soon as possible.


The user undertakes to use the services and/or contents of the website in accordance with current legislation and in good faith, exclusively for personal use, and not to directly or indirectly exploit them for commercial purposes.

The user is solely responsible for the content of all communications made through this website. Without prejudice to the foregoing, and without limitation, the user must refrain from the following actions: (i) publish, disseminate, distribute, as well as refer to content contrary to morality or public order, such as illegal, obscene, pornographic, abusive, defamatory, misleading, racist, etc. content.(ii) insult, harass, threaten or otherwise infringe the rights of third parties; (iii) introduce any kind of computer virus, defective files or computer programs that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the services, content, programs or systems; (iv) collect information about third parties, including their e-mail addresses, without their consent; (v) send mass and/or repetitive e-mails through the website, or provide e-mail addresses of third parties; (vi) attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the services or contents, computer systems or networks connected to them, by any means; (vii) interfere with the use or enjoyment of the services or contents by other users.

Likewise, any technical, logical or technological resources by virtue of which a third party may benefit, directly or indirectly, from the contents of the website, or from the effort carried out by the Author for its operation, are prohibited.


Parents, representatives or legal guardians will be responsible for the access and use that their minor children or guardians make of the website, so we recommend them to supervise or take the appropriate precautions (rules of computer use time, location of the computer in a common area of the house, etc.) during the navigation of their children or guardians through the website.


The Author shall not be responsible for the correct sending of comments or other communications or content by the user, nor that they are received in their entirety, nor does it guarantee the absence of interference by third parties in such communications.

The Author disclaims any responsibility for the information contained in third party websites or web pages. The links that appear on this website are for informational purposes only and in no case imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation to visit the destination sites.

The Author shall not be liable for any damages that access and use of the website may cause to the user, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of data or profits, as well as damages related to the delay or impossibility of using the service (due, for example, to network outages or temporary power outages). The Author also does not warrant that the service or the server are free of viruses or other harmful components.

The Author shall not be liable for failures and/or damages resulting from the incompatibility of the services or contents of this website with other services, contents or software used by the user.

The Author does not guarantee the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness and accuracy of the services or content.


To contact the Author of this web site, please send an e-mail to


The Author reserves the right to modify all or part of this website, its design, contents and/or services, as well as these Terms of Use. It also reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily suspend or permanently cancel the website or any of the contents and/or services that comprise it, at its sole and entire discretion.


The sending of content by the user through any of the means enabled for this purpose on the website implies the user’s express and unreserved authorization for its publication therein. Specifically, when the user makes a comment, the name or nickname provided by the user, the content submitted and, if the user so wishes, the web page indicated by the user will be published.


The provisions contained in these Terms of Use shall be governed by Spanish law. Unless expressly prohibited by law, for the resolution of all litigious matters arising from the use of the website, the user agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Judges and Courts of Madrid.

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